Saturday, January 16, 2016

Steve Crandall from FBM Bikes

Once I got going on this newer style of drawings, I was looking for photos to draw.  I picked this one of FBM bikes owner Steve Crandall mostly because I use words in the background as shading, and I wanted to come up with a bunch of things FBM could be an acronym for.  I met Steve and the early FBM crew in my living room in about 1993 or 1994, I think.  I came downstairs to eat breakfast, and there were some guys sleeping on the couches and living room floor that I didn't know.  This may sound strange to many of you, but in those days when the BMX industry was in a lull, we all slept on other rider's couches and floors when we traveled to save money.  Since I was roommates with S&M Bikes owner Chris Moeller, our apartment was pretty much a motel for traveling riders from around the world.  So I got talking to Steve and the other guys, and added some new friends to my BMX extended family. 

In the early days, I believe FBM stood for Fat Bald Men, which made fun of the old, non-rider guys who were running the BMX industry at the time.  A few years later, a fire tore through the FBM office, and they joked that FBM stood for Fire Bikes Mayhem. 

Anyhow, I pulled this pic of Steve off of Facebook and did the drawing.  I wrote about a dozen different things that FBM could stand for in the background, mostly to amuse myself.  Sharpies on paper, 12" X 18".

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